
密西根的秋天 Michigan Autumn



a tree on fire

a tree on fire

one leaf

leaves. fall. michigan. point-and-shoot digital camera.

bridge over huron river. fall of michigan.

michigan color of the fall.


yellow leaves on campus. um, a2, mi

trees on fire. ann arbor.


corn field, michigan

corn field, michigan

Little woods on North Campus, University of Michigan, 2003.10.11.




fall on the wall.


罗马浴场 Baths of Caracalla, Rome

【文学城世界风情】罗马澡堂/浴场 Baths of Caracalla

Mosaic tiles at Caracalla.

Baths of Caracalla

(Terme di Caracalla) Completed by Emperor Caracalla in AD 217, the baths functioned for about 300 years, until the "plumbing" was destroyed by invading Goths. Over 1,600 bathers at a time could enjoy the facilities. A Roman bath was a serious business, beginning with a sort of Turkish bath, followed by a spell in the caldarium, a large, hot room with pools of water to moisten the atmosphere. Then came the lukewarm tepidarium, a visit to the large central meeting place, known as the fridigarium, and finally a plunge into the natatio, an open-air swimming pool. For the rich, this was followed by a rubdown with scented woolen cloths. In addition to the baths, there were spaces for exercise, libraries, art galleries and gardens – creating a true leisure center. Most of the rich marble decorations of the baths were removed by the Farnese family in the 16th century to adorn the interior of Palazzo Farnese. Until recently, open-air operas were staged here – the vocal exertions of the performers are now thought to pose a threat to the structure of this ancient monument.

A view to the Baths of Caracalla from a hill outside.

A large hall of the Caracalla Baths. "Today it's just a shall--a huge shall--with all of its sculptures and most of its mosaics moved to museums."

A large hall of the Caracalla Baths.

Arch window.

Grand arches.

Arch window at sunset.

Another large hall of the Bath, used for exercise.

Baths of Caracalla at sunset, view from the garden.

Mosaic tiles at Caracalla.

Mosaic tiles at Caracalla.

Roman Mosaic art: Of all the Roman remains uncovered over the years, there are more intact examples of mosaics than any other construction. It was mainly the walls and roofs of buildings that fell through decay and neglect. So the floors and foundations have remained largely intact to this day. This helps archaeologists as the mosaics were not just random pictures that decorated a room, they were fundamentally a message to any visitor about the family or occupant of the building, rather than just being the carpets of Roman times. Only the wealthy villa owners could afford such an extravagance as a personalised design, so they were also used to make a statement about the occupants and their standing in society.

Mosaic tiles at Caracalla.

Mosaic tiles and a column at Caracalla

Mosaic tiles at Caracalla.

Mosaic tiles on the floor at Caracalla.

Mosaic tiles on the floor at Caracalla.

Mosaic tiles on the floor at Caracalla.

Mosaic tiles on the floor at Caracalla.

Falling in love with 1500-year old Roman mosaic floor at Baths of Caracalla, Rome.


意大利古堡 Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, Italy

【文学城世界风情】意大利古堡 Villa Aldobrandini

Villa Aldobrandini, viewd from Frascati below.

去 年在罗马开会的时候,住在山上的一个小城 Frascati,是当年有钱有势的罗马人夏天里度假的地方,据说连教皇也来这里。这里的山坡上有一个古堡 Villa Aldobrandini 。一天下午,我和老板决定到古堡里看看。在城里的旅游局拿了票,就上山了。从古堡上可以遥望到山下的罗马平原。

Maria in the sunset.

Frascati and Rome in the distance, viewed from Villa Aldobrandini

古 堡里一个人也没有,我以为是荒废了的。我只顾拍照,不知他们六点钟关门,结果被关在里面,但还是见不到人。后来有些害怕了,因为古堡里种了好多 张牙舞爪的树,太阳落了,阴森森的。于是见门就敲,居然有个门被敲开了,有个老头儿看到我们很奇怪。我们不会说意大利文,又怕他说我们 trespassing,就故意装傻,把门票递给他看。结果他开车把大铁栅给我开了个小缝,让我们溜出去了。

Villa Aldobrandini

Villa Aldobrandini

view from Villa Aldobrandini

me and Villa Aldobrandini

a garden of trees, Villa Aldobrandini

a garden of trees, Villa Aldobrandini

more trees, Villa Aldobrandini

one more tree, Villa Aldobrandini

Villa Aldobrandini

a statue in Villa Aldobrandini

Villa Aldobrandini

view of Frascati from Villa Aldobrandini

Villa Aldobrandini in the sunset