Death Valley: mountains, wildflowers, a fast car, and me. April 2005.

Death Valley: mountains, desert, a tough car, and me. October 2001.
第二次 是2001年,开 了敞篷吉普车,越是坎坷的路越要去压,整个死谷都几乎跑遍了。
周 五晚上十点才离开洛杉矶,走“捷径”,14号接58号,到 Barstow 再接15号,比常开的10号接15号要省力又少车。一路荒凉。到了 Baker 那个有世界上最高大的温度计的小城,才停下吃晚饭。那里有个 Mad Greek (疯狂希腊人)餐馆二十四小时开,他们做的 Gyros 很地道美味。虽然是半夜开快车,到了州界的旅馆也两三点了。这个周末不知为什么拉斯维加斯的旅馆爆满,平时50块钱的旅馆要收280块,还都满了。只有州 界的 Primm 还有100元以内的房间。住下。

On the way to Las Vegas and Death Valley with this fastest car on the highway--a little Mazda, we stayed at the state line Primm the first night.
周 六中午才出发,沙漠已经晒得很干热了。先到拉斯维加斯办了事,然后找到南加州著名的 In-N-Out Burger 汉堡包,还第一次叫了他们的秘密菜单 (secret menu) 上的 double-double animal style 。好吃!出城走95号公路,直奔死谷。

I had been wanting to see the new roller coaster "Insanity" on top of Stratosphere. Seen from a fast moving car, it is the extending green arms.
在 沙漠公路上开着350马力的跑车,全公路上最快,想超谁就超谁;前后无 车的时候,试验车速,轻而易举就开到130多哩。真过瘾!我从来就是喜欢沙漠的。沙漠第一,山第二,海第三,拥挤的城市一点五。沙漠有海的广阔,有山的坚 毅。想到孔子的话,智者乐水,仁者 乐山,他肯定是没有去过沙漠的了。丝绸之路是汉朝时开拓的。扯远了。

Driving slowly into Death Valley through Beaty, a first sight of the national park. Mike insisted that I took a picture with the instrument panel of his beloved Mazda.
死谷是西北和东南向的长条形谷 地。这是第一次由东入死谷。由 Beaty 转 374 号路,翻过 Grapevine Mountains ,眼前就是大片的谷地和漫漫的远山。一路进谷,见到两旁的野花,小小的黄色的一棵棵,在风中挺立。虽 然不是整片如南加州罂粟花谷那般浓艳,但我因为从来没有见过死谷的花,是从零到一的突破,异常激动。到了谷中,终于见到大片大片的黄花,远看过去,缓缓的 山坡全是生机了,真是漂亮呢。

Wildflowers in Death Valley.
缓缓的 山坡全是生机

Wildflowers of Death Valley, California.

Wildflowers in Death Valley.
时 间却不早了,要找地方扎营。死谷那么大那么平,以前两次来都是夜晚随便找个平地扎营的。但这回我们的车底 盘太低,不能上土路,最近游客多,检查可能严格,所以还是遵守规矩,开到北边公园外,Scotty's Castle (史考提城堡)附近的 267 号路两旁去扎营。(顺路还看了个火山口,就是一个巨大的坑。)沙漠里到处是平土地,二十多哩路上,点点星星有几个帐篷。可惜我们没带吃的,只得来回开了五 六 十多哩路,到 Beaty 的赌场旅馆,吃了极烂的自助餐,买了点儿早餐食物,回到公园门外搭帐篷。

Death Valley: skies, mountains, desert road, and spring flowers.

Camping outside Death Valley, the morning landscape of the high desert.

Desert, tent, car. Death Valley, California.
今 晚要回去了,赶快进公园再看看吧。顺路在史考提城堡 停下吃午饭。我还第一次进来呢。以前总觉得来看沙漠,这个破城堡有啥看头,又不是在欧洲。麦克到还挺有兴趣的。这点我真是佩服他,看什么都能看到新鲜的 东西来,从来不觉得无聊。跟着他看,才看出这城和堡的风格还不一样。可是我急着进谷。

Scotty's Castle, what's so special? We didn't wait to hear the stories.

Sundial of Scotty's Castle. It's noon time.
从 高地下来,远远看到谷中烟尘滚滚,以为是着火了。到了谷底,才知道是沙尘风暴。啊,火星上也有这个!时间关系,我们打算只看看热门的旅游景点,魔鬼的高尔 夫球场(Devil's Golf Course)和坏水(Badwater)这两处死谷特有的地貌。公园里的游客是我见过最多的一次了,都是来看花的。其实如果以前没来过死谷,这回看到稀 稀疏疏的野花,也许会觉得失望。我觉得自己还蛮多经验的,窃喜。
车 子由海拔3000尺下降到2000尺,1000尺,0尺,海拔以下了!魔鬼的高尔夫球场是一望无际的大盐场(saltpan)。以前来没见过水,只知道水 从周围 的高山上流到死谷最低处,带来矿物质,水流不出去,蒸发后,留下的就是盐了。长年累月,盐越聚越多。新生的盐是白色的,成长后会爆裂开,形成高尔夫 球大小的圆洞,坑坑洼洼的。今年因为春季雨水多,水还没有蒸发掉,这大片盐场就都浸泡在水中。可这些盐是不会溶化的,因为这水已经完全饱和了!
有的游客脱了鞋跑到盐水里去玩。这帮人疯了吧!不过这水看来非常清,一点杂质都没有。尝了尝盐水,喉咸喉咸的。我也干脆脱了凉鞋,跑进水里。水 很清凉,浸泡了水的盐场不扎脚,软软的。不过一上岸,满腿满脚都是白花花的盐。

Welcome to Devil's Golf Course! And this year there's water!

Crystallized salts compose the jagged formations of this forbidding landscape. Deposited by ancient salt lakes and shaped by winds and rain, the crystals are forever changing. The Death Valley saltpan is one of the largest protected saltpans in north America. Salt continues to be deposited by recurring floods that occasionally submerge the lowest parts of the valley floor.

I have never seen Devil's Golf Course like this.

Delicate salt formations are hidden among the harsh and rigid spires. Close inspection may reveal the tiny salt structures. Details, Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley, California.

The water seemed so clean, I had to follow other's example to tread in. It was utterly salty, and when I got out, my legs and feet were covered with white salt crystals. Death Valley, Devil's Golf Course.

One of the most amazing landscape on earth!

Crystallized salts compose the jagged formations of this forbidding landscape. Deposited by ancient salt lakes and shaped by winds and rain, the crystals are forever changing.

Devil's Golf Course, October 2001.
新生的盐是白色的,成长后会爆裂开,形成高尔夫 球大小的圆洞,坑坑洼洼的。
下 一站坏水是西半球海拔最低的地方了,海拔零下282尺,85.5米。这里是一大片延伸无穷的盐土场,又白又平。我们去的时候没见有水,见到几个人在打棒 球。就是这片炎热的谷地,记录了世界上最高温度,摄氏56.7(华氏134)。住在死谷的人告诉我,夏天在石头上就可以煎鸡蛋;晚上能降温降不下摄氏38 度(华氏100度)。据报道,鸟都飞不出死谷,飞到一半就要晒死,摔到地上。
"It was so hot that swallows in full flight fell to the earth dead and when I went out to read the thermometer with a wet towel on my head, it was dry before I returned." Oscar Denton, Furnace Creek Ranch on record hot day of 134° in July 1913

BADWATER BASIN, 282 feet / 855 meters below sea level, the lowest point in the western hemisphere. The snow-capped peak is Telescope Peak, the highest point in Death Valley National Park, and is over 11,000 feet.

BADWATER BASIN, 282 feet / 855 meters below sea level. The snow-capped peak is Telescope Peak, the highest point in Death Valley National Park, and is over 11,000 feet.

Badwater Basin, Death Valley. A boy.

Baseball game in Badwater Basin, Death Valley.
见到几个人在打棒 球

The vast, surreal salt flats of Badwater Basin change constantly. Salt crystals expand, pushing the crust of salt into rough, chaotic forms. Newly formed crystals ooze between mudcracks, sketching strange patterns on the surface of the salt flat. Passing rainstorms wash off windblown dust and generate a fresh layer of blinding white salt. Floods create temporary lakes that dissolve salts back into solution, starting the process all over again.
走 回头路,到了十字路口,向西出谷。死谷的西面其实是最美的,山也峻峭。小车轻松翻山,不知不觉就到了海拔 5000尺,气温下降。山外是另一片美丽的山谷 Panamint Valley。山路狭窄,遇到一辆撞在山边的车,车上的人都撞傻了。手机没有信号,赶快下山到 Panamint Spring 打电话报警,顺便在那里的餐馆大吃一顿。餐馆外闲坐着三个西部片里样子的人,我跟他们聊天,他们告我说那里只有六个常住居民。我想,怕不是六个光棍。

Leaving Death Valley, at a restaurant in Panamint Springs, we had a last look of the sunset and the magnificent mountains.
更多照片: 加州羚羊谷罂粟花 California Poppy Reserve
死谷国家公园 Death Valley National Park (2001 未完成)
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