
敦煌汉长城 The Great Wall of Han Dynasty

敦煌以西,玉门关外 10 余公里的一段汉长城,是现存最早的一段长城,至今已 2000 年历史。一层泥沙、一层芦苇,因泥沙中的盐碱胶凝结后非常坚固,至今保存仍极为完整,高达四米。远处的建筑是烽燧台。
The Great Wall, 10 km outside YuMenGuan Pass west Dunhuang (Gansu Province), is the oldest section of the Great Wall standing, built during Han Dyanasty over 2000 years ago. Height: 4 meters. The Beacon Tower can be seen in the background.

The Great Wall of Han Dynasty near YuMenGuan Pass.

The signaling pile nearby from 2000 years ago.

敦煌西南 70 公里,阳关旧址的烽燧台。今阳关已湮没无存,仅剩这墩墩山上的一座烽燧。
Beacon Tower in YangGuan Pass ("Sunny Pass"). YangGuan was a city 70 km southwest of Dunhuang, now completely gone under the desert, except for this signaling tower on top of DunDun Hill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you travel alone? Admire!